2009年3月17日 星期二

翻譯作業 2-1-1-3

There is nothing mysterious about this process. You use it all the time in making decisions. Here is an example of applying the scientific process to an everyday situation:

Observation: You switch on your flashlight and nothing happens.
Question: Why didn't the light come on?
Hypothesis: Maybe the batteries are dead.
Test the hypothesis: Put in new batteries and switch on the flashlight.
Result: Flashlight still does not work.
New hypothesis: Maybe the bulb is burned out.
Experiment: Replace bulb with a new bulb, and switch on flashlight.
Result: flashlight works.
Conclusion: second hypothesis is verified.
觀察: 您打開您的手電筒,什麼事都沒發生。
問題: 光為什麼沒有进展?
假說: 可能電池是壞的。
檢驗假設: 投入在新的電池再打開手電筒開關。
結果: 手電仍然不運轉。
新的假說: 可能電燈泡燒掉了。
實驗: 用一個新的電燈泡替換掉舊的電燈泡,並打開手電筒。
結果: 手電筒運轉。
結論: 第二個假說被證實。

Here is a more formal outline of steps scientists often take in trying to understand nature, although not always in the order listed:

Identify a problem.Bormann and Likens identified the loss of water and soil nutrients from cutover forests as a problem worth studying.

